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Where Is The Love: A Project On Language Discrimination

December 19, 2009

When I listen and watch a music video, it makes me think and feel about whatever message the artist wanted to get across. That was the idea for this music video. We wanted not only to make people think about linguistic discrimination but also feel moved by it. To create social awareness for any type of social injustice is to achieve several tasks with a specific goal in mind. First, there had to be some discussion and forum where people of all cultures could voice their opinions and experiences about that type of injustice: in our case, it was linguistic discrimination. This objective gives people the opportunity to think about linguistic discrimination, an opportunity that may have not be given to them before. Secondly, having open discussions could only do so much. We wanted people to be excited and motivated because they are doing something special. As we were promoting our idea to different networks, people were thrilled about it. They wanted to become part of something bigger than what they could have done individually. I think that is why this project meant more to us than we could’ve imagined. As individuals, it is sometimes hard to create change in this world. But collectively united under one common goal, we could achieve something great. As more and more people were open to be in this project, we knew that our message to create awareness would only become more apparent and true. Lastly, it’s important that we are able to change the hearts of people who were not given the opportunity to speak on their behalf. We decided to create the music video so that we would be able to share our work with the rest of the world. By doing that, we are able to reach out to people all over the world united under this particular injustice. Four weeks ago, we came up with this idea to shoot a music video creating awareness for linguistic discrimination. As the final days approach, I can only hope that what we share to the public will be what everyone thought it could potentially be. And although this is by no means perfect, we hope that it accomplishes the most important goal set out for us. We hope that it will change your heart.

PS. we’re trying to promote this music video as much as we can so if you have time, please rate and comment it on the youtube site

Thanks everyone!

One Comment leave one →
  1. December 20, 2009 12:15 am

    Jason! The love’s right heeeerre. I love it. Work it out Patreez. Haha.

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